Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Who Else is Willing to Help?

We need to "promote nationwide education in digital citizenship and media literacy as the cornerstone of internet safety.”

-Online Safety and Technology Working Group (OSTWG), created by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration
After reading the above comment from the OSTWG, I had to ask myself, "will this really change anything"?  Ideally, it would be great if it could, but I think the internet is a powerful place and hard to put full control over.  In today's world, the lives of children are overlapping between the real world and the online world.  Honestly, as an adult I spend a good amount of time online between Facebook, Twitter, my email, and many other locations, I can only imagine the amount of time an unmonitored child would spend online. 

Read more about the tactics OSTWG suggest implementing to make the use of internet safer for children.  Click on the link below educators and parents..... this is a good read!  

Online safety report discourages scare tactics

I agree with how the article wraps up saying that all stakeholders need to be involved when preparing internet safety and staying up-to-date with the constant changes occurring in technology.  This will not be an easy task but is something that everyone needs to stay on top of to keep the children in our world safe!


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