Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Safety on the Web

"There is nothing more precious to a
parent than a child, and nothing
more important to our
future than the safety of all our
-Bill Clinton
The internet can be a scary place for both adults and children if they are not aware of how to properly navigate the many wonders of the World Wide Web.  An educated/informed adult is of the utmost importance when leading children in their introduction to the Web.  The only way children will learn what to do and what not to do while surfing the Web is by being properly monitored by their parents or guardians.  As adults, we need to hold ourselves responsible for educating our children on safety precautions to take when on the internet.  

A variety of excellent resources are available for adults to share with children in the effort to prepare them for safe internet use.  Not only might they come across inappropriate materials, but the internet is also another avenue of bulling that can very quickly destroy a child’s self image as well as relationships with peers.  It is very important for parents/guardians to be proactive when it comes to safety; don’t wait for something bad to happen.  Teenagers are especially susceptible to bullying by their peers and can withdraw and be reluctant to share with their parents.  An open door policy will ensure that the child, regardless of his age, knows he has a safe harbor to ask questions and discuss what he sees on the internet.

Children are often naive and cannot detect when they are in danger.  As adults, we must be the ones to educate them and prepare them for what they might encounter on the computer.  It is important to provide children with ways to deal with unsafe situations which they may encounter.  Adults need to make it very clear that if something “feels” odd, then it is dangerous.  The child should immediately solicit help from his parents/guardians.  Children must know without any hesitation that they can speak up and their adults will help them! 

The Web is a fantastic learning tool if used correctly and carefully. Adults can help their children to safely use this tool in their growth and educational development.
"It is our choices....
that show what we truley are,
far more than our abilities."
- J.K. Rowling

As an educator, how do you inform your students about internet safety? 
Do you provide any form of training for parents on how to help protect their children at home while using the Internet?

Comments and ideas are welcome! 
Helpful Links that you can use in your classroom.

Child Safety Experts

Safe Kids

Keeping Your Child Safe

This would make an excellent poster to use in the classroom.

Helpful Videos to Share with Your Children

Videos to Inform Adults About Internet Safety for Children


  1. I like that you have lots of resources available for people who follow your blog to use and access independently. This way, fellow teachers and parents can access some resources to use as we help to navigate the internet and teach the students the necessary social ethics and responsibilities that come with online correspondance.

  2. This is an awesome site for parents! Tons of resource here that I am acutally going to use. Thanks for your insight and for the resources. As a high school teacher, I am excited about younger students getting a head-start on how to navigate the internet.

    1. Thanks for the great feedback Jenna! I hope parents and educators will embrace the resources I have provided and will continue to share information with me to add to my blog!

  3. I love the quotes you use. It puts online safety in perspective. The internet resources you provide I will definitely use, both as a parent and an educational leader. I LOVE the Facebook one. It makes you laugh and think. "The real you is better than anything you can pretend to be." Powerful!

  4. I'm looking for more posts that share your insights and issues around your topic of safety. Also, try adding some blogger gadgets and tools such as a poll expand your ideas.

  5. With such great advances in technology and many portable devices, it is truly difficult to monitor what teens are accessing. Parents must put time into educating themselves and placing filters on internet access. Monitoring and teaching children about safe internet use is an everyday responsibility

    1. I agree with you Rani. It is amazing how many devices allow for internet access these days. A student could be "surfing the web" while standing next to you or sitting in the classroom without you know that they are doing it. I hope over time there is a way for security to increase for internet users to help create a safe environment for children.
